At SOLTAKO we are passionate about enabling you to have a plastic-free kitchen. And what is the best way for us to do this? With an exquisite olive wood spoon!

We are deeply convinced of our vision and want to share it with the whole world.

To date we have already helped over 450,000 people with our unique olive wood cooking spoon happy, and we are thrilled that you are now a part of our ever-growing community.

Our goal is crystal clear: by 2026 we want every household in Germany to have this extraordinary one cooking spoon give. But for that we need your support.

Share our message with your loved ones and let them experience the fascination of olive wood. When you hold the olive wood spoon in your hand, you will feel the natural beauty of the wood and its supple surface; a sustainable alternative to plastic that inspires.

Take the first step towards a plastic-free kitchen and become part of our mission.

Show us your culinary talent with our olive wood spoon and get a 11% discount on your next order! Just send us a selfie with the cooking spoon to plastic-free @soltako-geneve. com and benefit from the natural beauty of olive wood in your kitchen.